13 Things That Make Our Pork Different

Hello! Welcome to our blog!

Today I’m going to share a few facts about our farming practices that are a little different than what we usually write about (recipes and how to’s) but equally important to understand.

Knowledge allows you to make a more educated decision about what you eat, where you get it from and how you vote with your food dollar.

Here are 13 Things That Make Our Pork Different from others. I am going to refer to “others” in general to cover everything from industrialized large scale farms to possibly your neighbor down the road who raised an extra hog this year. It could be the meat you find in grocery stores or in home delivery boxes too.

This comparison may sound like I’m harping or trash talking others, please know that is not my intention at all. I’m not trying to be condescending, but at the same time I know it’s hard for you-the meat eater-to know what is going on behind the scenes.

And if I don’t talk about it, and you don’t plan on becoming a farmer — how will you know???

I want you to be informed so you can make your own choices about how you eat and how you feed your family.

So here we go… 13 Things That Make Our Pork Different

1. Our pigs take on the flavor of the seasons. They forage for acorns in the fall, they share our overproduction of garden goods and fallen fruit in the summer.
Others can be light pink in color, limp, tasteless, uniform, but every package is the same size!


2. Our sows are from time-tested, proven, heritage breeds. They retain their instincts, their smarts & their careful mothering skills.
Others genetics may be more fragile, they aren't as robust or resilient, often needing more chemical de-wormers and human intervention during farrowing time.

3. Our pigs are bred as they cycle naturally, when the sow's body dictates.
Other pigs are given hormones to bring sows into heat on a schedule that is most profitable, and convenient for the farmer, even if it’s artificial.

4. Our sows are free to labor and deliver, move about and build a nest unconfined.
Most other sows live in a crowded gestation pen before giving birth and a farrowing crate for 6 weeks after birth, only able to stand up and lay down in place.


5. Our piglets live with their mother and weaning is delayed until 6-8 weeks old.
Other piglets get weaned at 17-21 days old.

6. Our pigs are raised outdoors, in the dirt, mud, pastures and sunshine which builds stronger immune systems and negates the need for regular antibiotics.
Other pigs are raised on concrete floors inside buildings under artificial light.

7. Our pigs are raised with 10's of thousands of square feet to roam, forage and explore.
Other pigs raised in confinement are allowed 7.5 square feet as an industry requirement.

8. Our pigs are able to soak in the sunshine living on pasture, making their lard one of the richest sources of dietary Vitamin D available.
Other pigs may just see artificial fluorescent lights, which also tend to have an effect on their sanity. No gradual sunrise or sunset, just a flip of the switch from dark to light.

9. Our pigs are allowed to grow naturally, accumulating healthy body fat.
Other pigs are fed artificial muscle growth promoter and allowed very little movement throughout their lives. Their feet never touch the ground, they live suspended over metal slats or on concrete floors so that their pens can be washed more efficiently.

10. Our pigs grow slow but their bones are mineral rich, which makes great nutrient dense broth.
Other pigs are given growth hormones to speed up the turnover time, resulting in an empty, limp and bland meat. You end up with extra synthetic hormones in your body too.


11. Our pigs are raised in small groups with their litter mates.
Other pigs are raised in warehouses containing a few thousand pigs. They often have displaced behaviors like chewing on their wire pens, repetitive motions, excessive calling.

12. Our pigs are fed non GMO corn and soy-free feed. Eliminating soy in their diet and ours helps keep the endocrine systems functioning best.
Other pigs are fed the cheapest ingredients with the highest yield-often corn and soy. These two feed ingredients are two of the heaviest sprayed and Round Up ready crops. Two of the "dirty dozen".

13. Our pigs are raised with regeneration in mind. Happier, slower, better, healthier and adding fertility back into the soil each day.
Other farmer’s process is all about faster, bigger, cheaper. Our health and the environment suffer under this mindset of cutting corners.

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Now you have more knowledge to make a decision about where you source your pork.

You can feel good about what you are feeding your family.

We have bulk buying options if you are interested in a half or whole hog.

You can always check what is in stock right now by visiting our online web shop.