Grass Fed and Finished Beef
Chef’s Pro Tip:
How To Cook The Perfect Steak
A short interview with owner and farmer Blake Bell in the cow pasture to give you an inside glimpse of what makes our beef unique.
Maybe your chiropractor has suggested you find some grass fed and finished beef to help you feel better. Maybe you are following the Paleo diet or have joined a Crossfit gym this year. Our beef is for you!
Our delicious beef is well-marbled, tender and contains all the important building blocks your body needs.
Our beef is free from hormones, antibiotics and vaccinations.
Our cows spend their life grazing our chemical free pastures. What this means to you is that our meat is free of GMO's commonly found in grain. It is high in Omega 3's, conjugated linolic acid (CLA), antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene.
The soup and marrow bones make excellent broth, a super food know for healing the gut.
The hamburger is perfect for throwing on the BBQ this summer.
Our roasts make a quick and easy dinner in the croc pot or insta pot. Eat it with some roasted potatoes, carrots and onions or shred it for tacos and enchiladas.
Our beef brisket, tenderloin and rib roasts (aka Prime Rib) make an awesome centerpiece for Christmas, Easter, New Years and Valentine's Day.
When you buy beef in bulk you save money!
You don't have to worry about our farm store running out of hamburger, it's all in your freezer.
We butcher just a few times of year and by placing a deposit we reserve your portion.
The deposit money helps us with the costs associated with raising your beef.
We are now taking reservations for the 2024 growing season, reach out with an email ( to see when our next harvest is.
By The Cut
You can purchase by the cut as it's available in our farm store.
This is a great option if you want to sample our beef, if you just want a few pieces or you prefer to buy on a monthly or weekly basis.
You can buy each week by the cut at the Albany or Corvallis Farmer’s Markets or in our Lebanon Farm Store.
Where to shop
When purchasing beef in bulk you save money and can customize how thick you want your steaks, how many per package, how big you want your roasts, etc.
We offer beef by the 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or whole and charge by the hanging weight (the weight of the animal once the entrails have been removed).
Hanging weight for a whole beef is 500-600 lbs. Cut and wrapped you receive between 60%-70% of the hanging weight, so for a whole beef you could expect 300-420 lbs of meat.
Please email us if you have any questions
Here is an example of the individual cuts a whole beef would provide:
Brisket, T-Bone Steak, Sirloin Steak, Rib Steak, Flank Steak, Skirt Steak, Bavette Steak, Tenderloin, New York Strip, Chuck Roasts, Pot Roasts, Rib Roasts, Ground Beef, Stew Meat, Oxtail
Deposit Amount:
1/8 - $600
1/4 - $1200
1/2 - $1800
This amount would be deducted from your total and the remainder would be due at the time of pickup.